My friend (who also uses viagra) has just got a mail shot from the people with the banner at the top of this page (saying this cos if I say their name it will be removed), giving him an extra 10% discount off their already cheap prices.
I buy from them as they are the cheapest supplier of genuine viagra & cialis, so I used his discount code and got mine at 10% fab is that. That means I bought 4 x 100mg pfizer viagra at £53.95, and if I bought more its even cheaper. Some places are almost £80.00., and to top that, I got it within 48 hours, AND IT WAS GENUINE STUFF (lol).
So, here's the code to use to get 10% discount (msc666), use it quick as they say it is for a limited period!!!!!!!!!! When you go to their website and order, you will see that you get the discount....spread it around, tell your mates!
Great shopping guys!