Science Documentary about Sex

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Science Documentary about Sex

Postby HMPion on Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:22 am

This new series will explore the science behind sex, answering questions about why male testosterone levels will suddenly surge, how a woman’s scent sends messages to the opposite sex, why people can become addicted to sex, why ejaculation can occur without pleasure, how orgasms works, what can cause erectile dysfunction and the science behind conception itself.

We’re therefore looking for contributors who are willing to talk openly about their own experiences and let us film interviews with them over a period of several weeks. They may also be asked to take part in tests such as brain scans and saliva tests so we can see chemical changes happening inside the body. We will not be asking to film private moments of a sexual nature with any participants.

As part of the series we are looking to find couples who are about to try Viagra and would be happy to talk about their experiences on camera.

If you would be interested in taking part please email
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